
Stealth control for mixxx
Stealth control for mixxx

  1. #Stealth control for mixxx full#
  2. #Stealth control for mixxx software#

I can go anywhere, play anywhere and I don't need expensive flight cases to do it.

#Stealth control for mixxx full#

Plus I can just throw it in its case and toss it in a bag with a laptop and it's a full 4 deck rig in less space of a single CDJ deck. It just fucking works and has never let me down. It's all business and no nonsense, especially for working 4 decks.

stealth control for mixxx

That thing is like some kind of stealth military weapon or surgical instrument. It's fully programmable and customizable and it's a total sleeper of a controller. The controls and buttons are top of the line and buttery smooth. The soundcard built into it smokes Pioneer controllers. It feels like a toy when you pick it up because it weighs almost nothing - until you touch the controls and hear the sound card. The Xone:K2 is much smoother and more functional than it has any right to be at a list MSRP of about $200-300 USD. I also play pretty much completely manually without programmed hotcues or beatgrids because I don't want them or need them.

#Stealth control for mixxx software#

So far my favorite controller and software setup OF ALL TIME is the Xone:K2 and using MIXXX in Linux. Like I have 4 laptops right now and it's pretty much an even split between Apple and Lenovo. I've also used PCs and Macs almost equally. I've done DVS with Serato and Traktor on very nice hybrid mixer-controllers like the Xone:96. I've even DJed using Korg Nanos and bodging together two different outboard soundcards. I've played on tiny little Behringer CMDs. I've used Traktor, Serato, Virtual DJ, Rekorbox and even DAWs like Ableton Live. Early CDJs that barely had pitch controls to top of the line fully integrated modern CDJs. My first vinyl rig was a pair of belt driven Technics I picked up at a yard sale for about $10 each, and a really crappy Radio Shack mixer that was about as quiet as an angle grinder tumbling in a cement mixer.įast forward to today and I've played on almost everything. Before I started on vinyl, I was trying to do insane stuff like trying to beatmatch with reel to reel tapes or cassettes on players with tiny, useless little pitch knobs.

stealth control for mixxx

So, I'm curious - anyone low income on here who is also a serious DJ - what is your setup? I've been using it for over a year and IT IS NOT BETTER. I was curious, "okay maybe Serato is better, I'll check it out." So I buy a $700 Pioneer controller with Serato Pro. Then another DJ saw I was using Traktor instead of Serato and scoffed at me, basically saying that Serato is what the real DJs use. I have used CDJs - it is not really any different from the controller, I just don't have my own. But was still getting this message that I wasn't a "real DJ" If I didn't have CDJs, but those were like $2k! (and I've never made more than $20k/year my whole life.) There was a club looking for a DJ and I applied, they denied me from playing the event bc I didn't have my own CDJs. So I bought a Traktor controller for $400, used that for a couple of years. Then, I bought a used controller for $200 to DJ in our local club but it kinda looked like a toy, other DJs didn't really take me seriously when I showed up with it. I was also learning to DJ vinyl at the same time, and would DJ vinyl at my own house parties where I didn't have to move bunch of stuff. I was creating very cute mixes and people always loved my sets. I started off on a small controller that someone gave me for free. It is compatible with the Inno Fader (not included) which is the one of the most used faders and is one of the worlds best crossfaders designed for heavy scratching.I have been a DJ and promoter for over 10 years in my small town.

stealth control for mixxx

The DSP D-Core will give you a much louder output and your microphones are going to sound a lot better. Easily select a track using the navigation controls in the center of the controller. Shorten or lengthen your loops using the multitude of loop controls included on the VMS2.

stealth control for mixxx

The button layout on the VMS2 is made to match the virtual DJ LE software. You will have no problem fading the audio with the actual faders that are available for pitch control. The American Audio VMS2 has 2 large scratch wheels that can be used in CD mode or vinyl mode for real time scratching. Also included is the Virtual DJ LE software, so It is it's own DJ Mixer/Midi controller all built into one. The VMS2 is a compact midi controller that features 2 channels.

Stealth control for mixxx